iTear100 Uncovered
How This Innovative Device Meets Your Dry Eye Needs

Optimize Your Dry Eye Care Regimen with the Help of iTear100
A phenomenal addition to any eye care regimen, for iTear100 device price inquire with company for specific pricing for your region and demographic which you only pay for the months that you need to use it. With most individuals needing to use it for about 3-8 months each year, the device is conveniently recharged, giving you access to its benefits whenever required.
Some of our Clients reviews

That's why we've designed the iTear100, portable ophthalmic technology that's lightweight, easy to use, and ready to help you stimulate the natural tears your eyes need.

By merely filling in a straightforward form on our website and submitting, our company doctor will review your application in record time and approve it if deemed correct.

Eyedrops vs. iTear100
iTeary100 goes beyond merely treating the symptoms - it empowers you to generate your own natural, comforting tears.

iTear100 User Guide
As Olympic Ophthalmics, we believe in providing solutions that are not just effective and convenient, but also tailored to suit your specific needs.

iTear100's Eye Care Synergy
A phenomenal addition to any eye care regimen, for iTear100 device price inquire with company for specific pricing for your region and demographic which you only pay for the months that you need to use it.
iTear100 Uncovered


